Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Revisionist Star Wars, Episode IX


[A beaten man stands against the ocean waves upon the wreckage. 
A hooded, shadowy figure approaches.]

B: Who are you?

A: Search your feelings, you know...[Removes hood to reveal glowing face]

B: I liked you better with the helmet.

A: You know, when Luke took the helmet off me, I thought it was the end of Darth Vader. 
But a lifetime of evil can’t be wiped away so easily, can it? 
The galaxy is still suffering for my crimes, and you...


I’m sorry, Ben.

B [turns away]: The past is dead-I make my own choices.

A: Oh, it’s not so easy to get free of the Emperor, is it? 


But you’re right...you have a choice now.

B [turns back]: If you’re so concerned, why not come sooner? Why let the Emperor pretend to be you?

A: I’ve been here at Endor, waiting for you. 

This is where it happened, you know-where I was saved.

B: Saved? Don’t you mean destroyed?

A: Saved, destroyed...doesn’t it depend on your point of view? 

What would your mother say?

B [turns away again]: She’s gone. I’ve felt it.

A: You can’t see her or hear her, that’s true. But you can feel her presence still, can’t you? 


And your father. 

No one is ever truly gone.

B [shaking head]: You’re too late. It’s too late.

A [Looks at hand]: I had to be wounded by someone I loved, before I could see...


Even after all I had done, I had enough hope to let go of my hate. 

[Looks at B, opens hands]

B: I know what I have to do...but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.

A: You've always been strong. So do, or do not. But stop lying to yourself that it's anyone else's choice but yours.

[B ignites his lightsaber, and hurls it at the apparition, who disappears. It hurtles into the sea.]

Voice: The Force will be with you...always.